- Start the day off with a smile and extend it to the first person you meet each morning together with a cheery ‘Good morning’ – even if they scowl back in response.
- Be determined to arrange five-ten minutes Me-Time every day in the daylight and fresh air even if it’s only drinking a cup of tea in the garden or local park. A ten-minute walk at lunch-time to help balanced the melatonin and serotonin hormones, which help regulate mood and sleep.
- Twenty minutes in the sun helps to combat Vitamin D deficiency that causes SAD; in the meantime take Vitamin D tablets until the sun come back.
- Spend a few minutes chatting with an elderly person. Remember you could be the only person they’ve spoken to that day.
- Make a donation to a charitable cause each month even if it’s only donating unwanted items to a local charity shop.
- Remember: kindness costs nothing. Carry a bag, open a door, or pick up something from the shop. Good manners and kindness are never out of fashion.
- Drink more water because every part of our body needs water to function properly.
- ‘Earthing’ has now entered the mainstream and an increasing number of scientific studies have revealed that it has real health benefits. The Earth is like a gigantic battery that generates a natural electro-magnetic charge that is present in the ground. So, weather permitting, kick off your shoes and reap the benefits.
- Say ‘well done’ to yourself for big and small achievements – and share them with someone important who will share in your joy.
- Read something new every day so that we stimulate our minds with knowledge. Why not make up your mind to re-read one of the Classics every month and see just how much you enjoy them when looking at them from a different perspective.
- Dancing is a great stress reliever, so dig out those old dance tunes and rave away on your own.
- Do you have energy-suckers (or ‘psychic vampires’ in your life. We are who we spend time with, so choose your company carefully and surround yourself with those who life you higher.
- No body knows everything, and the true treasure of life is that we can learn from each other’s wisdom and experiences. So learn to listen and you’ll learn a lot.
- Sleep is when the magic happens when our cells get to renew. Switch off the brain at learn an hour before going to bed, have a hot drink and spray Yardley’s Old English lavender on your pillow. Put on cosy socks, pyjamas and snuggle under a warm throw by the fire – just because it’s a nice thing to do …
Which is as good a time as any to plug a new book that’s coming out next year The (Inner-City) Path: A Simple Pagan Guide to Well-Being and Awareness published by Moon Books.