Have now been under ‘house arrest’ for the past two weeks and apart from missing Lidl’s iced fruit buns I can’t say I’ve missed going out into the community! Most of my favourite shops are closed and the garden centre has introduced a no-contact collect/deliver service. And with the lovely weather the garden has benefited. Following the ‘fraughtness’ with John Hunt Publishing concerning my future books, I’m concentrating on producing stuff for Ignotus Press – just like in the good old days.
The third in The Vampyre’s Tale series – Danse Macabre – is now out and I’m up to chapter five in book 5 of The Hugo Braithwaite Mysteries – Screenplay – which take us into the classic world of Hollywood and film star memorabilia. The rough draft for book 5 in The Temple House Archive – PACT! – is under way and as the title suggests, we talking about devils and demons.
Round About the Cauldron Go is almost ready for proofing and this will be followed up by Inner Court Witchcraft early next year – both CoS publications. There’s The Witch’s Book of Simples: The simple arte of domestic folk medicine which is half complete and Appeasing the Gods - with Sacrifice, Offerings and Libation in the planning stage but who knows where either will land up!
I think I’m up-to-date with all my articles and Moon Books anthology contributions and I’m going to be doing a Winter Solstice piece for next year’s The Witches Almanac. I’m pleased that two books in the Traditional Witchcraft series have finally reached best-selling status and I shall be concentrating on the marketing of my Moon Books back-list titles this year because once The (Inner-City) Path comes out in September 2020 and Sexual Dynamics in the Circle sometime in 2021, there’s nothing left in the MB pipeline.
With the restrictions on the non-fiction it means that I can get down to business with my first love – writing novels. I have really grown attached to my characters and each series has its own Facebook page so readers can follow what’s happening with the current story-lines, supplemented with related articles and other posts.
The Vampyre’s Tale https://www.facebook.com/VampyresTale/
The Hugo Braithwaite Mysteries https://www.facebook.com/BraithwaiteMysteryRuthven/
The Temple House Archive https://www.facebook.com/TempleHouseArchive/