Having never been one for making extra work for myself, I’m in the throes of getting rid of several Facebook pages that are superfluous to requirements now that the various Blogs are up and running. We don’t realise just how much time FB eats into the working day and so the first to go is the MD page: followers will be given plenty of warning and the opportunity to join the MD Word Press Blog
On the book front, Pagan Portals: Seeking the Primal Goddess is due for publication on 31st January and can be pre-ordered on Amazon. Meanwhile in production there’s Pagan Portals - Sacred Landscape: Caves and Mountains (due 28th August) and Pagan Portals - The Inner-City Path: A Simple Pagan Guide to Well-Being and Awareness (due 25th September 2020). Work in progress includes Sexual Dynamics in the Circle, Sacred Landscape: Lakes & Waterfalls, The Witches’ Book of Simples and Sacred Landscape: Groves & Forests for Moon Books. While the third in the Vampyre’s Tale series is compYeted in the first draft and the fifth in the Temple House Archive will be started in the New Year …
Added to this I’m busy helping out with the final stages of Philip and Carrie’s Round About the Cauldron Go, and with the added input from James and Julie, the Magister and Dame of Coven of the Scales, this book can really be classed as a team effort. Should be ready for publication with Ignotus Press by the Spring Equinox …